
We are entrepreneurs in HealthTech.

M2care acts as an entrepreneur,
 brings tremendous human value and cash to co-found, co-operate and co-develop innovations
up to the patient.

2024 Team

engaged entrepreneurs

About us

Get to know our team of passionate entrepreneurs who work together to co-found, co-operate and co-develop M2care projects. Discover their profiles, their professional backgrounds and their complementarity


venture studio

About our model

How do we select the innovations that will make M2care’s projects and its successful startups tomorrow? Discover the model of our venture studio which allows our team of entrepreneurs to co-found, co-operate and co-develop these projects.



Discover our latest news

HealthTech in France: an ecosystem for innovation in health

From one end of the chain to the other, the innovation ecosystem in healthcare is comprised of numerous actors who bring value to new

Previa Medical raises €2.1 million